Justin Link v.
February, 2022
- Compatibility with latest GeoData versions
Justin Link v.
July, 2018
- Compatibility with latest Justin versions
Justin Link v.
November, 2017
- Fixes in background layers.
Justin Link v.
September, 2017
- Include geoids in installation package.
Justin Link v.
August, 2017
- Windows 7 installation issue fixed.
- Reports updated.
- Mission planning updated (Galilleo, QZSS).
- Kinematic trajectory map drawing redesigned.
- Google background map updated.
Justin Link v.
June, 2017
- Compatibility with firmware 3.7 and higher.
- Does not requires administration rights.
JustinLink Version
January, 2017
JustinLink Version
October 23, 2015
- Connecting to TriumphLS/VictorLS through the ethernet network
- Ability to automatically searching the receiver in a local network
- Connecting to the static IP address
JustinLink Version
December 23, 2014
- Assembled up to latest Triumph-LS/VS applications
- Fan processing
JustinLink Version
April 22, 2014
JustinLink Version
January 20, 2014
- More accurate ruler distance measuring on ellipsoid
- Map centering and scale setting bug fixed
- Vertical profile for moving base case fixed
- Heading and pitch data in reports
- Import DWG format files
- Events processing bug fixed
- Standard reports modified
- Google Earth export extended
- Import KMZ, LanfXML files
- Visual import of reference points updated
- Color separation of float/fix kinematic solution
- Stops creation with a Tool - Selection in a rectangle
- Coordinate system property added to Coordinate system pane
- Stop object can be renamed and deleted
- Geoid boundary shown on the map window
- Local datum implementation corrected
- Scenario saving corrected
- Symbol with DWG, DXF blocks and tif, jpg, bmp
- Carlson FCL format import
- Export to VS/LS multiple raster background at once
- Export to shapes corrected
- Hungarian report modified
JustinLink Version
May 16, 2013
- Export maps to ESRI Shapes format modified
JustinLink Version
May 07, 2013
- Last Tracy version compatible
- Last Triumph-VS application compatible
JustinLink Version
May 22, 2012
JustinLink Version
January 20, 2014
- Program vs Project coordinate systems management.
- Import (*. Jcs, *. Lp) and Export (*. Jcs) files via Project and Favorite Trees.
- "Reference Points" in a Project Properties.
- "Reference Points" option enabled.
- Import "DXF-files", "NS3-files (*. Db)", "TracyJob-files (*. Tracyjob)".
- MapInfo MIF (*. Mif) layers.
- TVS and NMEA options in a View menu.
- "Reference Points" layer.
- "Projection" and "Datum" options enabled.
- "Coordinate Systems Editor" feature.
- "Snap" button in a Main toolbar.
- "Legend" button in a Main toolbar.
- "Classifier" button in a Main toolbar.
- Tabs "Import", "Coordinate System" and "Antennas" in the "Options" menu.
- Object features "Survey" "Google Speech", "Associated", "Associate by", "View Table", "Export", "Base Snap To ...".
- "TVS background" feature.
- Triumph-VS management features
- Import/export coordinate systems database;
- Export map file;
- Export localization points via "Standard", "Txt file", "Pinnacle" options.