Offer period has expired

Static → GLONASS → RTK Base → RTK Rover

The revolution in size, function and GPS scalability!
The TRIUMPH-2 brings rugged, scalable, affordable, best-in-class
GNSS performance to every application at a breakthrough price!

Purchase an L1/L2 Dual Frequency Static receiver today. Perfect for OPUS, OPUS-RS, OPUS-Projects, AUSPOS, CSRS-PPP, GAPS and all post-processed applications. $2,490
Activate GLONASS $1,000
Activate RTK Base $1,500
Add a 4Watt UHF Radio to your RTK Base
Add a second Triumph-2 with RTK Rover Activated $3,990
Add a Victor LS data collector with UHF and J-Field software $2,990
Complete Base/Rover Pair with UHF Radio, Data Collector and field software. Add your own pole and tripod and you are ready to survey!
Base/Rover Pair Total $10,480
Complete TRIUMPH-LS as rover and TRIUMPH-2 with UHF Radio as base, add your own tripod for base and you are ready to survey!
Base/Rover Pair Total $13,130

TRIUMPH-2 brings affordable, best-in-class Static and
RTK GPS performance at a groundbreaking price.
Purchase a static only L1/L2 receiver today:
setup and
with our
iPhone App!
then upgrade it at any time to include GLONASS G1+G2,
add RTK Base functionality and a reasonably priced modem,
finally add a RTK Rover and a Victor LS controller
to build a complete RTK Base / Rover Pair for under $ 10,500.

That is JAVAD Value!

Based on the JAVAD 216-channel GNSS Engine used in the TRIUMPH-1,
the TRIUMPH-2 is small and lightweight with 25-hour battery life.
Field and battle tested technology in survey and space applications.
The TRIUMPH-2 includes JAVAD’s patented Lift-and-Tilt activation
and full pole tilt compensation!

JAVAD has the best GNSS Technology in the World!Period.

The TRIUMPH-2 is built, assembled and supported in San Jose, California, USA!TRIUMPH-2 receivers include a 3-year factory warranty plus lifetime firmware and software updates.
JAVAD Factory Support Gets You Going and
Keeps you Running!

Currently these offers are only available for direct sales in the USA.
We are committed to expanding support to our international dealers in the very near future.