John Branner
Continue to use the LS frequently with success. I have put my existing GPS on the shelf along with my first surveying instrument (K&E circa 1900 transit. ,also made in the USA ) .
I have received great support from Matt and Mark. The suggestions you implemented from users are nice. I did have a couple of "bad fixes" in a deep hollow and woods situation but I believe that was my fault.
Is there is a possibility and interest of setting up a Javad Triumph LS Users Group Forum? It would be both fun and informative to share experiences and best practices with the Triumph LS.
Please upload the next version that will be released on Monday. In there set “Auto Verify" to 3 and check the “Reset RTK engines on each verify”. Set your Stop mode to 10 seconds. Set the minimum RTK engines to 1 or 2. All are in the Quick Setup screen, in the bottom of the Collect Prepare screen. Please see the attached document.
As you will see in our next advertisement, we challenge those that can get even one bad fix, ever.
Yes, we will set up public TRIUMPH-LS user group soon after we implement major suggestions. I hope in two weeks. I copy to Kelly to champion this effort.
Thanks a lot for your support.