The Good Letter #30

Sean Joyce


Javad RTK verification is very impressive.
The system allows me to use RTK in the summer months, in the woods in my region, something I would never have done before. I have obtained reliable positions under canopy in places hostile to GPS. Having used other RTK systems before there has always been the nagging little doubt about the reliability of the data being collected. The Javad system has given me something that none of the others have, CONFIDENCE. Knowing there are 6 RTK engines working on a position solution and being able to designate the minimum number of RTK solutions and verifications that are acceptable is a huge improvement. (The word CONFIDENCE should appear in your marketing efforts) There is room for improvement in the user interface (will pass on suggestions in the future) but the capabilities are all there and build quality of this equipment is the best I have used. (Please feel free to pass on these comments to Javad)


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