NetHub Version
May 16, 2022
- Ntrip Caster Statistics. Calendar days added.
- Auto Tasks. Ability to restriction old file processing added:
- Old files processing flag;
- Old file count to process box. If 0, all files are processed;
- Downloaded files aren’t stored on PC cash.
- Loading indicator added.
NetHub Version
May 13, 2019
- Rinex Converter Rollover Bug.
NetHub Version
January, 2019
- RTCM MSM – Ntrip Caster transfers all parts of corrections when they splitted.
- Unsystematic stops in the corrections transferring to Ntrip Clients.
- Receiver→Base/Rover. Correction transferring between base and rover both connected to NetHub by Greis protocol.
NetHub Version
September, 2017
- Greis Commands
- Receiving a large amount of detailed Ntrip and Tasks Statistic data does not hang the user interface.
NetHub Version
June, 2017
- Database tools:
- Hub Settings → DB Tools
- Clear Statistic button - clears all the NTRIP and Auto Tasks statistic
- Clear Logs button - clears log-files
- Delete older then flag - restricts the period of statistic and logs storing
- Compress Db button - defragments database file
- NTRIP Caster:
- Account sorting
- Statistic tab - Delete all button
- Hub Logs:
- Parameters:
- Networking → Modems
- Uhf - rfreq, tfreq, id2, mcu2
- FH - id2, mcu2
- Networking → NTRIP Client
- Satellite table (for fw 3.7)
- BeiDou satellites increased to 37
- new BeiDou signals
- Support new Usb to Virtual Com driver.
- FTP Accounts - moved into Auto Tasks tab
- Big complicated lists - Connections, Task Templates, Accounts.
- Parameters → Save Configuration:
- Port outputs are also saved.
- Radio Spectra:
- Mean plot added (averages the values for all the passes for each frequency)
- Max plot added (max values for all the passes for each frequency)
- Base/Rover tab. The corrections of different frequencies can be ordered from the base.
- Base → Allowed corrections:
- added frequency selection
- added Mount Point name
- Rover → Select correction type:
- FTP Accounts - changing changes corresponding Auto Task settings
- Big complicated lists manipulation.
- Parameters:
- Networking → Client → Ntrip Server:
- Host Name of Ntrip Caster
- Ntrip Host
- Base → Reference Position → L1 to ARP Offsets are recovered.
- Bluetooth file downloading fixed.
- USB wire unplugging doesn't crash the application (FTDI).
NetHub Version
September 03, 2015
- Actions
- Parameters
- Networking→Modems
- 4fsk modulation
- MCU firmware version
- Last Detected Modem Error
- Link to Net Browser
- Firmware update
- Forbidden for Triumph-VS and Triumph-LS
- Options uploading
- Forbidden for Triumph-VS and Triumph-LS
- Real-time logging
- Files are saved to the custom folder without using temporary one
- Auto Tasks
- Rinex Converting
- IGS naming for Hatanaka compress added
- Flags for excluding QZSS, Beidou, IRNSS added
- 1s and 5s decimation added
- Statistics
- Ntrip
- Radio Spectrum
- Port output
- Period for the Predefined message set can be changed (base coordinates and antenna messages period >=10 s.)
- Settings → Ntrip
- Use Authentication radio button
- Ntrip → Statistics
NetHub Known Issues
- Not recommended to connect the receiver to the COM velocity is less than 38,400
NetHub next version futures
- Ntrip
- Ntrip2 support
- Ntrip Server support
- Geoid option for the Ntrip clients
- OPUS auto task
- DOPUS auto task
NetHub Version
February 24, 2015
- Receiver
- Files: Cancel button for downloading removed.
- File list freezes if there are a lot of the files.
- Ntrip client position and status freezes on the map.
NetHub Known Issues
- Not recommended to connect the receiver to the COM velocity is less than 38,400
NetHub next version futures
- Ntrip
- Ntrip2 support
- Ntrip Server support
- Geoid option for the Ntrip clients
- OPUS auto task
- DOPUS auto task
NetHub Version
December 26, 2014
- Ntrip Caster
- Clients Tab
- Account Tab
- Explicit Password added to tooltip
- Map
- E-mail Notification
- SSL/TLS add to SMTP settings
- GUI improved
- Tips added to the bottom
- Receiver
- Registration Mode ( /par/modem/X/rmode) added
- WLAN AP Mode (/par/net/wlan/ap/mode) added
- WLAN WPA Passphrase (/par/net/wlan/ap/passphrase) added
- Log-files → Memory group added
- Clarification to some parameters added.
- Metrics Tab added
- It contains SNR table for all receivers and allows comparing the indicators.
- The set of the receivers is user-defined.
- Table template is also user-defined and contains columns and receivers. Column contains signal set and restrictions. Template can be saved.
- Results can be saves to Excel or printed.
- Metrics, Auto Spectrums and Spectrum Layer on the Map are Hide/Show by Cntrl + J
- Hub Log Tab Connect/Disconnect event added
- Auto Mount point switching in the halfway between bases.
- Ntrip clients on the map Float and Fix color.
- Ntrip client which send empty GGA isn’t shown on the Map.
NetHub Known Issues
- Not recommended to connect the receiver to the COM velocity is less than 38,400
NetHub Version
September 17, 2014
- Ntrip Caster
- Ntrip clients on the map
- yellow - DGPS (Differential GPS SPS Mode, fix valid)
- orange - RTK float
- green - RTK fixed
- red - others
Visibility Flag is in the bottom of the Window
- Error Log tab added to the Ntrip Caster.
The following errors are recorded:
- Authorization error
- Options error
- GGA-format error
Button Clear removes the all records.
- Clients Tab
Info about connected client (Javad, Trimble, etc.) added
- Files
- File Order flag added to the Receiver → Settings Tab → Tasks.
- It specifies the order of the automatic processing of files.
- Parameters
- Parameters→Ports→Output
- The ordered messages for User Defined are shown in the tooltip
- Parameters→Base→Reference Antenna Parameters → ARP Offsets added
- Radio Spectrums for new modems added
- Triumph_M support was added
- Wrong GGA blocs Ntrip corrections
- Ntrip client no longer receives data periodically
- Reconnecting to receiver which was configured as a rover in NetView
- Port opening in the Terminal Mode
- Modem pairing when Bluetooth off. Error message box was added.
NetHub Known Issues
- Not recommended to connect the receiver to the COM velocity is less than 38,400
NetHub Version
February 28, 2014
- Ntrip Caster
- Auto Points generating as option.
- RTCM 3.0, RTCM MSM added.
- Connections Tab. Freezes when the enabled connection can be edited or removed.
- Incoming client disconnect.
- Receiver. Spectrum Tab. Buttons (Save to File, Save plots …) accessibility.
- Ntrip Caster, Rcv Server
- Auto Points generating as option.
- RTCM 3.0, RTCM MSM added.
NetHub next version futures
- Ntrip
- Ntrip2 support
- Ntrip Server support
- Ntrip Clients on the Map
- OPUS tasks
NetHub Version
February 13, 2014
New Features
- Receivers
- Spectrums Tab
- Delete receiver functionality added
- Connection status flag added
- Init File System action added
- Status bar added to tab bottom
- Parameters
- Ports→ Bluetooth- >Bluetooth b (for supported models)
- Ports→ TCP- >Client b
- Networking→Client→Client b
- Networking→Client(a,b)→NtripServer
- Networking→Client(a,b)→Mode→Values sisnet and ntrips added
- Log-Files→Ftp Push
- Connections
- Relationship between receivers and connections added
- Status bar added to tab bottom
- Ntrip-Caster
- Switching to the nearest Mount Point functionality added
- Control client access rights specified by required options
- Expiration date
- Connections Count
- Auto Mount Point
- Clients Tab for connected clients statuses monitoring added
- Statistics Tab added
- Start/Stop without restart application
- Spectrums
- Auto Spectrums Tab added
- Allows to set a schedule for obtaining spectra from all available receivers
- System Log
- Receivers
- Parameters
- Positioning→ Satelite Management - COMPASS options are available.
- Receiver GUI improved.
- All lists GUI improved.
- Report →Parameters is output as is.
- Parameters report return value of command "print,/:on".
- Files
- Files count info added
- Download window removed.
- Info about downloading % added.
- File can be re-downloaded.
- If a download was canceled file download part remains on the disk.
- Satellites Info
- Info about satellites amount added.
- Satellites info appears without delay and disappears as soon as receiver disconnected.
- Real-Time Logging.
- Statistics is output without delay.
- Interrupted files are remain on the disk.
- TCP connection works in the same way as others.
- Auto Tasks
- Task Statuses tab moved into Auto Tasks tab.
- Task Template tab improved.
- Active Task Tab improved.
- Task Statistics
- Improved
- Export to Excel added
- Print added
- Export to HTML removed
- Rinex converter 2.11 extended version added with Beidou flag
- CPU loading for Usb-connections.
- Firmware updating via Bluetooth.
- Rinex Tasks - antenna's data set from profile if it is not set in Site Configuration Window.
- Files:
- Situations when not all files are in the list.
- Files deleting performance
- Usb (FTDI) speed
- Bluetooth communication
- Free-Events _ANH with o without slant added
- Win8 - File downloading window
NetHub Known Issues
- Not recommended to connect the receiver to the COM velocity is less than 38,400
NetHub next version futures
- Ntrip
- Ntrip2 support
- Ntrip Server support
- Ntrip Clients on the Map
- OPUS tasks
NetHub Version
Desember21, 2012
New Features
- Ntrip Accounts added
- Rinex converter adds antenna parameters set on Reciever Settings tab to file header
- Real-time logging tab added to Receivers
- Serial, Usb, Tcp connections are supportedRinex converter adds antenna parameters set on Reciever Settings tab to file header
- While real-time logging via Serial or Usb NetView disconnects from receiver
- Supported settings:
- message types: Jps, Rtcm3
- message intervals
- files periods
- files prefix
- files count
- Statistic is output to window and to file
- Saving and Loading receiver configuration to script
- Button for saving all parameters to script added
- Configuration script can be loaded by Load Script functionality
- QZSS and Compass added to parameters
- Polish localization
- Parameters
- TriPad tab is renamed to "Log-files"
- Improved controls order
- Enable Implicit Management of Specific... is renamed to Manage by AFRM/TriPad
- TriPad tab is added
- There are two groups in TriPad tab
- <FN> Push Behavior
- <FN> Click Behavior
- Function Key group is moved to new TriPad tab
- Toggle Automatic File Rotation Mode is renamed to <FN> Push Action
- Values of <FN> Push Action are changed to
- Turn Logging ON/OFF
- Fields Turn data recording on at startup and Appending data to a specific file are grayed-out when "Toggle..." is in AFRM state
- "FN" Button Action is renamed to <FN> Click Action
- Initial Dynamic Mode is duplicated in the Log-files tab and TriPad tab
- ReadOnly parameters refresh every 10 sec
- Options:
- Upload speed optimized depends on FW-version
- Receiver ID checking added
- Options uploading error feedback added
- All string localized to Russian
- All descriptions are added
- Rtk-distance option Dist 511 - unlimited - description
- Antenna Db update
- Receiver:
- Satellite table
- SBAS → numbers - 120 - 142
- NaN changed to 18 hours
- Duration of tracks L1/L2 added
- Cycle Slips Tab
- Files
- Delete All Files button is added
- Files performance improved
- Hatanaka compress for x64
- USB performance improved
NetHub Version
June 05, 2012
NetHub New Features and fixed
- Installer fixed: jps2rnx.exe path.
NetHub Version
May 14, 2012
NetHub New Features and fixed
- Reference Position (Receiver/Parameters/Base ):
Changed to "Antenna Phase Center Position (APC)";
- Geodetic and Cartesian coordinate systems are added instead of GPS, GLONASS;
- APC to ARP and ARP to APC calculator added;
- Control for antenna offsets is added. Initialized according to the selected antenna;
- Greis Commands. Button Disconnect is added. It disconnects receiver from the port in Capture mode keeping the port settings. The port will be configured after the close of NetHub;
- Parameter WLAN Access Point SSID is added for Firmware 3.5;
- Tcp clients settings moved to separate configuration file;
- Options/Memory value fixed;
- ClearNVRAM and reconnect after Options loaded;
- COMPASS satellite number fixed;
- Serial Number and Vendor on the Receiver tab fixed;
- Firmware Loading. Check firmware file name and Hardware version.
NetHub Known Issues
- Cannot remove connected receivers from list;
- Incorrect displaying of connections list start from 10'th;
- Not recommended to connect the receiver to the COM velocity is less than 38,400.
NetHub next version futures
- Real-time logging;
- Daily automatic tasks;
- Scatter, Position graphics.
NetHub Version
April 04, 2012
NetHub New Features and fixed
- Fixed Usb connection instability (Usb-deamon)
- Fixed satellites table instability
- Fixed actions progress
- Clear satellites table if not available long time
- QZSS added to Parameters/Positioning/Satellite System
- L1C for QZSS and E5, E5b, E5a for GLONASS (P1, P2, L5) are added to satellite table
- HDOP and VDOP are added to measurements
- Antenna offsets are added to receiver settings
- Antenna free-events can be added to file when it starts
- Antenna parameters added to Rinex converter
- Automatic tasks assigns and applies for file A or file B separately
NetHub Known Issues
- Port configuration is disabled when NetHub stops
- Cannot remove connected receivers from list.
- Incorrect displaying of connections list start from 10'th
- Not recommended to connect the receiver to the COM velocity is less than 38,400
NetHub next version futures
- Possibility to keep port configuration after NetHub stops
- ARP→Phase Center Phase Center→APR calculator
- Scatter, Position graphics
- Daily automatic tasks
NetHub Version
October 18, 2011
NetHub New Features
- Fixed Rinex Decimation
- Fixed reading config file
- Fixed NetRemote connection
NetHub Known Features
- Hatanaka does't work on x64 systems
NetHub Version
October 14, 2011
NetHub New Features
- Fixed Tasks when AFRM mode and full memory
- Some Labels changed
NetHub Version
October 13, 2011
NetHub New Features
- Easy Configuring Base-Rover connections transfer
- File process statuses
- Active task statuses
- Task reports to HTML
- Limit max concurrent task
- NTRIP Caster
- Support RINEX 2.12
- Sending InitPar after loading Options
- Update Options direct from website
- Update Firmware (start from version 3.2.1)
NetHub Known Issues
- Cannot remove connected receivers from list.
- Cannot remove configurations files when uninstall.
- Walkaround: You can do this manually.
- Not recommended to connect the receiver to the COM velocity is less than 38,400
- Max concurrent FTP transfers not supported
- Incorrect displaying of connections list start from 10'th
NetHub next version futures
- Fixing Known Issues
- Cancel, Stop, Restart tasks execution
NetHub Version
July 18, 2011
NetHub New Features
- New Rinex converting options added
- D1P - Extract signal D1 from P code. Default D1 from CA
- D2C - Extract signal D2 from CA code. Default D2 from P
- UAS - Display flag of antispoofing
- DCM nn - Step of Decimation: 1 5 10 15 30 s
- Uploading *.zip to ftp fixed
NetHub Known Issues
- Cannot remove connected receivers from list.
- Incorrect displaying of connections list start from 10'th
- Not recommended to connect the receiver to the COM velocity is less than 38,400
- Firmware Update is disabled (next version feature)
- Incorrect action progress
NetHub next version futures
- Task report
- Cancel, Stop, Restart tasks execution