Firmware version 4.5.00
Firmware version 4.5.00 adds significant improvements to combined GNSS +
Inertial Navigation computations for more robust 3D attitude solutions (both
dual and single antenna receivers) and for more stable positioning in areas
where GNSS signals have short term interruptions. All these improvements are
applicable to receivers/boards with an IMU
- Smart Antennas: TRIUMPH-3, TRIUMPH-3NR, TRIUMPH-1M Plus
- Enclosures: DELTA-DI, DELTA-DIW, SIGMA-DMI (TRE-DUO-IMU board inside)
The related commands and messages are included in the
GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification (GREIS), dated October 14, 2024.
Applicable Receivers
All JAVAD GNSS receivers with the TRIUMPH-3 ASIC and version 4.4.00
New Features
- GNSS+IMU Attitude determination for single antenna receivers
- GNSS+IMU high accuracy RTK positioning in severe conditions
- GREIS [SH] message: heading baseline covariance matrix
Inertial Navigation System (INS) parameters
- INS Mode (/par/pos/ins/mode)
- INS Status (/par/pos/ins/stat)
- INS Error Flags (/par/pos/ins/err)
- INS Pole Length (/par/pos/ins/layout/pole)
- INS Layout: IMU Offset (/par/pos/ins/layout/imu)
- INS Layout: APC Offset (/par/pos/ins/layout/apc)
- INS Layout: POI Offset (/par/pos/ins/layout/poi)
- INS Layout: Baseline (/par/pos/ins/layout/bl)
- INS GNSS Update Rate (/par/pos/ins/msint/gnss)
- INS IMU Update Rate (/par/pos/ins/msint/imu)
- INS Reset (/par/pos/ins/reset)
- INS Resulting Orientation Angles (/par/pos/ins/hpr)
- RTK – new parameter: /par/pos/pd/per/sol to decimate solution update rate
Updated Features
- GNSS+IMU Attitude determination for dual antenna receivers
- [AR] (Rotation angles) message extended
RTK: move all existing period parameters under /par/pos/pd/per
- Old names are kept for backward compatibility
Bugs Fixed
- NMEA GGA: fixed support of GGA messages for secondary antennas
NMEA HDT: fixed format when data is not available: output null field
instead of 0 -
JPS [SI]: fixed GLONASS CDMA and L-band satellites output as NAVSTAR
satellites -
Filter bandwidth: fixed setting of filter bandwidth on startup for
Linux-based boards